VW -Chef Diess is to appear in court and does not

I have 18. In June, VW Group leader Herbert Diess said in the talk show "Markus Lanz" a serious sentence: "What we had done was fraud," the manager said publicly. Lanz had asked about Dieselgate and the gas manipulations. While the alarm bells rang in the Volkswagen Legal Department, lawyers and plaintiffs shook hands. And there are many.
More than 60 000 complaints are pending because VW thieves see themselves cheated by software manipulations. More than 430.000 people have participated in the model complaint lodged by the Federal Association of Consumer Centres, with which consumers want to see fraud firmly established. VW argues against it. In Wolfsburg there is talk of'diesel issues', there is no talk of fraud. The statements made by Diess were by no means an admission of guilt, VW immediately sought damage limitation after the broadcast. This did not comment on the situation in Germany, but spoke about a previous punishment in the United States.

Where's Diess? The lawyer allegedly has "no knowledge"

But some courts now want to know more precisely. This includes the County Court of Duisburg, which has to decide on damages actions against VW. The presiding judge of the 13th. Civilian chamber, Bernd Bellenbaum, quoted Diess in court, ordered a personal appearance. At the hearing on Tuesday, however, the head of the VW did not appear, he was represented by a lawyer from Freshfield's firm who works for the group. He stressed that he had "no knowledge" of Diess's whereabouts. "Completely incomprehensible" was that, criticized Bellenbaum, but abstained from an order money. Nevertheless, the chairman must now justify himself. The VW lawyer filed a restraining order against the judge.

The Landgericht Oldenburg also wants to know more

But Duisburg is not an isolated case. Also Gunter Konig, judge at the Landgericht Oldenburg, wants to know more about the view of the group leader. He also has complaints from diesel customers on the table. And he saw "lance." "There is nothing to suggest that this is an unintentional spontaneous statement, the brilliant explanatory value of which he did not overlook," the King wrote in a notice in early July giving the judges parties to the trial if they consider certain questions to be clarifying. The verdict is still pending, but it may not look good for VW.(徳囯ASK电容器)