ASK – strong performance

The ASK technology delivers high performance in many industrial applications every single day. Our clients, from many different areas of the electrical and electronics industries, rely on ASK's quality, reliability and economic efficiency in the most demanding applications.

We eagerly meet new challenges for highly specialized requirements of design or production. We enthusiastically engage with customers for both the routine reactor needs as well as the highly specialized ones. We are dedicated to putting our complete effort into development, design and production of capacitors – made for you.

  • Capacitors power compensation

    Through compensation of reactive power, electrical energy can be utilized more effectively and more economically. This reactive power control can also prevent overloads in generators, facilities and machines, as well as in complete power grids.
  • Regenerative energy systems

    The world relies upon power electronics in all areas of renewable energies - in wind and solar parks as well as in hydropower plants.
  • Active filter

    Whether in industrial environments or in commercial and office building installations: Active filter reactors permit safe operation of plants and drives.
  • Power plant technology

    Safe and reliable power supply and balanced power lines are the basis for the proper operation of industrial processes.
  • Charging Systems

    Charging systems are becoming more and more important as regeneratively produced energy is often being stored in accumulators. One of the fastest-growing areas of this use is electromobility.
  • Specialized products

    Highly specialized solutions require, collaboration, consulting and creative development – always with a focused perspective of the application.